Sunday, 24 November 2013

Weekly Blog Post 5

My ARTISTIC INSPIRATION this week is Hayao Miyazaki, co-founder of the renown Ghibli Studios. Hayao Miyazaki was a film director, animator, screen writer and critically acclaimed manga artist. I decided to make Hayao Miyazaki my artistic inspiration for the week because the other day I was doodling a little creature on some scrap paper and when it was done I realized how similar it was to some of Miyazaki’s creatures. I grew up watching Miyazaki films and they stuck with me just as much as Disney movies or classical films, I thought because Miyazaki had influenced me through his films that he was certainly a suitable choice for my artistic inspiration. Hayao Miyazaki is a worthy artistic inspiration of the week because he was highly accomplished in his field(s) and he was known for a beautiful style which has been credited as inspiration for many of the new generation of animators, artists and directors. Ghibli Studios has often been referred to as “the other Disney” by many young North Americans. Miyazaki continued working well into his senior years, finally declaring retirement for the final time in 2013. Miyazaki was also known for his surprising lack of "evil" or definite villains. Miyazaki’s films tended to place protagonists on difficult situations with problems and people to overcome but there is hardly ever someone who is actually evil, instead the antagonist is usually just someone with a different goal or belief. Miyazaki was an inspiration to thousands of other artists, he was accomplished in his many fields, he was a brilliant artist and he got to see many of his works come to life which is why he is my artistic inspiration this week.

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